withering!!! but beautiful...

Thursday, February 18, 2010


I imagined, that once there is innovation in life, people wouldn't pick going back to basics...

Change is inevitable, but everyone has a choice... and someone <:)>chose to make me happy the best way he knew how... and i... wouldn't have been happier with anything else but what i got that day.. :')

i believed that this v'day i'd get some sort of an e-love letter or super-duper application... a text message... a call...

but this is what i got... flowers and chocolates... and 'i love u' written with something that is a part of my daily life... :) i cried...

life brings so much more joy when it hits you in the face organically! :D

Cheers to everyone!!
Have a great life and love yourself..


PS: the chocolate... i earned it... :D

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Prayers don't work...

I live my life in a paranoid city..

Leaves grow grey…

Filled with walls all I can see is a troubled highway…

I fear to take the way out of here..

All I fear is the dark..

I do try to muster more than I can feel..

Its no use to a soul as weak..

Sadistic I am so I claim that its life out to get me..

I want to feel invisible.. I am what I believe I am..

When I is capable of proving myself right TO myself..

Why is it I can’t dare myself far enough to overpower the self..

To keep my love in peace…

- February 16th
